Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research



 Prof. Nahed Attia Kandeel

"Peace and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you"

     Within the framework of the University's strategy emanating from Egypt's 2030 strategy, the Faculty of Nursing - Mansoura University is fully aware of all educational and cultural activities. As its mission is not limited to education only, but includes scientific research because the events of any scientific, cultural or social renaissance in society  only comes with education and scientific research that serves the society in all its fields.

      Thus, the interest in postgraduate studies, research and cultural relations is the way to prepare distinguished scientific cadres internally and externally through scientific missions to see the continuous development in all fields.

     In order to support the Faculty of Nursing, the University does not spare no effort in the development of all areas of scientific research in the faculty, especially after the study began at the faculty for the master's and doctoral phases system of credit hours and opened its doors for expatriates studying outside the university so that the Faculty of Nursing is one of the beacons of science at Mansoura University and at the level of Egyptian and Arab Universities.

  And we pray to Allah Almighty to help us in what we have set up...

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