Workshop about "Child Rights and Patient safety"
On Wednesday 12th of April, the pediatric nursing department, faculty of nursing, Mansoura University was held workshop entitled "Child Rights and Patient safety" under the patronage of Prof/ Mohamed Kenawy - President of Mansoura University
Prof/ Amina El-nemr, Dean of the faculty of nursing
Prof/ Wafaa Ismail, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research affairs
Prof/ Fawzia Abousaad, Assistant professor of pediatric nursing & the coordinator of the workshop
Prof/ Rabab Elsayed Hassan, Assistant professor of pediatric nursing & the general secretary of the workshop
The workshop aims at improving patient safety and increase awareness about child right in the hospital and in the community.
This workshop was characterized by the active participation of Prof / Phyllis Sharps, PhD, RN, FAAN | Professor Elsie M. Lawler Endowed Chair, Associate Dean for Community Programs and Initiatives Johns Hopkins University, School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Prof/ Phyllis, was participated via video conference focused on “Protecting the Rights and Safety of Children” below was the link of the presentation.
The role of nurses in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Also, there was active participation from Prof/ Donna.A.Dawling, Professor of neonatal nursing, Case Western Reserve University, USA
She is focused on "Caring about Preemies Safe sleep"
It's worth to mention that the workshop considers a good chance for the participation of expert professor inside the faculty and outside in Egypt and in USA.
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