Crisis and Disaster Management Unit


Evacuation Simulation Video


    Contributing to achieving sustainable development through an integrated system for managing crises and disasters, and reducing risks in light of Egypt’s Vision 2030.


   Develop and implement the necessary plans and policies to confront crises and disasters and reduce risks with the aim of good planning for sustainable development

The Establishment of the Unit

  1. The Crisis and Disaster Management Unit was established in 2010.
    2. The contingency plan for the unit was approved in 2011/2012.
    Strategic Objectives of the Unit: The Overall Goal
    - Achieving security and safety standards and protecting lives and property.

Special Goals

  • • Developing a crisis and disaster management system and reducing risks.
  • • Preparing strategies, plans and scenarios in the field of crisis and disaster management.
  • • Training and human capacity building.
  • • Establishing an integrated information and technology infrastructure and an early warning system.
  • • Raising community awareness and building a sound culture to deal with crises and disasters and reduce risks.
  • • Developing relationships with relevant bodies in the field of crises, disasters and risk reduction.

Unit tasks

  • • Providing security and safety for students and college employees.
  • • Securing college buildings against fires, crises and disasters.
  • • Achieving security and safety standards for college employees.
  • • Identify the forms and types of expected crises and disasters and then develop a plan to confront each type.
  • • Making illustrative maps of the college’s locations.
  • • Develop emergency and evacuation plans and implement scenarios that simulate how to act in the event of a crisis.
  • • Taking preventive measures to mitigate the occurrence of the crisis.
  • • Spreading cultural awareness of crisis and disaster management and how to implement confrontation and relief work.
  • • Work on following up and updating alarm systems.
  • • Providing maintenance, installation and periodic follow-up services for devices

Unit Management

1. Managed the unit from its inception until the beginning of the academic year 2011/2012,
Prof. Sahar Mohamed Soliman Assistant Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing.

2. Managed the unit since the beginning of the academic year 2011/2012, 2012/2013 until now
Dr. Samia Mahmoud Abdel Moaty Mohamed, a lecturer at the Department of Community Health Nursing.

Organizational structure of the Council of Directors of the Crises and Disasters Unit

The Council falls within the competencies of the Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development

 Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development - Chairman
 Director of the unit - faculty member
 Chairman of the Committee on safety and security of the work environment - faculty member
 Chairman of Development, Awareness and Media Committee - Faculty Member
 Chairman of the first aid committee - faculty member
 Chairman of the Occupational Health Committee - faculty member
 Faculty Director- Member

Formation the Council of Directors of the Crises and Disasters Unit in the Faculty.

1 Prof. Abeer Zakaria

Dean of the faculty- Chairman of the Board of Directors

2 Dr.Hanan Mohammed Badran Unit Manager
3 Dr. Nadia Youssef Ahmed Deputy Director of the Unit
4 Dr. Rasha Hassan Abbas Chairman of the Development, Awareness and Information Committee
5 Dr. Rasha Hassan Abbas Chairman of the First Aid Committee
6 Mr. Abd El Basir Abdo Ali Director of the Faculty
7 Mr. Mohamed Abdel Maksoud Responsible for the Safety and Work Environment Insurance Committee
8 Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Ismail Civil Defense Officer
9 Ms. Nadia Hatem Laboratory Officer

Organizational structure of the Council of Directors of the Crises and Disasters Unit

The Council falls within the competencies of the Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development

Formation the Council of Directors of the Crises and Disasters Unit in the Faculty.





Prof. Wafaa Fathy Seleem

Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development . Chairman


Ass. Prof.Hanan Mohammed Badran

Unit Manager


Ass. Prof. Aml Ahmed Elmetwaly

Deputy Director of the Unit


Dr. Sara Mostafa Hamza

Chairman of the Development, Awareness and Information Committee


Dr. Sara Elsayed Hegazy

Chairman of the First Aid Committee


Mrs. Nermeen Elsayed Hassan

Director of the Faculty


Mr. Mohamed Abdel Maksoud

Responsible for the Safety and Work Environment Insurance Committee


Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Ismail

Civil Defense Officer


Ms. Nadia Hatem

Laboratory Officer

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Crises and Disasters Unit and his specialties:

• College Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs.

• Developing the annual composition of the unit and presenting it to the College Council.

• Invite members to attend monthly meetings to determine the work and activities of the unit and the responsibilities of each member, follow up on the progress of work and take the necessary decisions in accordance with the reports submitted by the unit director and members.

Director of the Crisis Management Unit and his specialties:

The director is chosen from among the faculty members of the college. The director is responsible for running the affairs of the unit and managing its technical affairs within the framework of the policies and decisions of the Board of Directors. In particular, he has the following specialties:

  • • Supervising the unit’s workflow.
  • • Implementing Council decisions and submitting reports.
  • • Preparing the annual plan for the unit’s activities.
  • • Preparing the annual report on the unit’s activity and periodic reports submitted on the progress of work.
  • • Suggesting the assistance of experienced persons to carry out some of the tasks that fall within the unit’s jurisdiction.
  • • Proposing to amend some items of the regulation to achieve the benefit of the unit’s work.
  • • Follow up on the implementation of general policy to achieve the unit’s objectives.
  • • Technical and administrative supervision of the unit’s employees.
  • • Establishing mechanisms for internal and external evaluation in the unit.
  • • Regular meeting of subcommittees.
  • • Supervising crisis management awareness campaigns for students, workers, and faculty members.
  • • He and his Board of Directors provide visions, plans, and innovative solutions for managing crises and predicting them before they occur, if possible.

​ Deputy Director of the Crisis Management Unit and his specialties:

  • • He is chosen from among the faculty members of the college
  • • Using internal evaluation mechanisms for the unit
  • • Submitting reports on the work progress of the melodies every month based on the follow-up of the following committees:
  1. Safety and Work Environment Committee
  2. Occupational Health and First Aid Committee
  3. Development, Awareness and Advertising Committee
  4. Administrative committee
  • • He is responsible for managing the unit’s affairs and managing its technical affairs within the framework of the policies and decisions of the Board of Directors in cases that require this.

Members of the unit’s board of directors

- A number of faculty members. Faculty members are selected for membership in the unit’s board of directors according to the nominations of the scientific departments to undertake the development and implementation of technical activities related to disaster and crisis management.

- College Secretary: The college secretary is considered a permanent member of the committee in accordance with his job to facilitate the work of the unit and follow up on the performance of the rest of the college departments in implementing the committee’s instructions and guidelines and adhering to them.

- Security and Safety Officer: The security or safety officer at the college is considered a permanent member of the unit according to his job and follows up on all security and safety activities at the college and chairs the executive team for the emergency plan.

Head of Personnel Affairs: The Head of Personnel Affairs at the college is considered a permanent member of the unit according to his position and is responsible for facilitating the activities of the administrative body in implementing the unit’s instructions and guidelines, as well as nominating members of the administrative committee to participate in the work of the emergency plan.

- Maintenance Officer: The college maintenance officer is considered a permanent member of the unit according to his position. He develops a maintenance plan for all devices and equipment in the college, confirms their safety, follows up on the implementation of maintenance items, follows up on facility maintenance with the college’s specialist engineer, and submits reports to the committee on the status of maintenance in the college.

Unit secretary

He is selected from members of the college’s Occupational Health and Safety Committee to take minutes of meetings, correspond with members, and perform administrative tasks assigned to him.

​ The committees emanating from the Crisis Management Unit and their most important competencies:

Several committees emanating from the Crisis Management Unit are formed, the chairman and executive director of which is the Chairman of the Crisis Management Board, and the rest of the committee members are determined by the head of the emerging committee according to what serves the work and according to the specialization and job tasks assigned to him according to his job assignment, and the committees are as follows:

  1. Safety and Work Environment Committee
  2. Occupational Health and First Aid Committee
  3. Development, Awareness and Advertising Committee
  4. Administrative committee

Specialties of the Safety and Work Environment Committee

 Preparing protection and insurance plans for college facilities.

 Developing emergency and evacuation plans and implementing scenarios that simulate how to act in the event of a crisis.

 Continuous communication and cooperation with the university’s defense and civil protection unit.

 Ensuring the validity of fire-fighting systems and their compliance with specifications in coordination with the concerned authorities.

 Supervising all security and safety operations at the college and constantly monitoring the occurrence of accidents.

 Ensure the validity of alarm devices in coordination with the relevant agencies.

 Ensuring the safety of the entrances and exits of the institution and its facilities, and verifying the identity of people in emergency situations.

 Preparing guard shifts on work days and holidays to prevent theft or acts of vandalism

 Develop monitoring and surveillance plans.

 Develop plans and implement training programs.

 Follow up on the implementation of security and safety standards in all scientific and administrative departments of the college.

 Evaluate the risks and crises that could occur.

Specialties of the Occupational Health and First Aid Committee

  • • Preparing preventive and treatment programs for health and occupational problems.
  • • Spreading health awareness, especially in the field of preventive medicine in the event of epidemics such as (bird flu and swine flu).
  • • Ensure the availability of the required capabilities for first aid in the event of a disaster
  • • Coordinating with the competent authorities, especially hospitals, to develop a mechanism for how to deal with the crisis.
  • • Identify occupational risks and diseases resulting from them for:

o Faculty members and their assistants.

o Students.

o Administrators.

o Workers (craftsmen - support services).

  • • Preparing a plan to prevent and control occupational risks (awareness - training - providing safety means - referral system).
  • • Training the crisis management team on first aid in the event of danger.

Specialties of the Development, Awareness and Advertising Committee

  1. Holding training programs and workshops (faculty members - employees - students - workers) in the field of crisis management.
  2. Create a website for the unit on the information network and update the unit’s news on the website.
  3. Collect information and report it to the college’s Crisis Management Center.
  4. Developing and updating the Crisis and Disaster Management Unit Manual.
  5. Preparing a short guide to procedures for dealing with emergency situations and constantly updating it.
  6. Announcing the means of security and safety in the college and university buildings.
  7. Raise the appropriate level of preparedness and call the crisis management team according to the type of event.
  8. Providing the appropriate solution for the places most exposed to crisis or disaster.
  9. Periodic evaluation and review of the people and places most vulnerable to crises and disasters.
  10. Preparing banners and brochures related to occupational safety and health.

Specialties of the Administrative Committee

The Director of Personnel Affairs chairs the committee and is assisted by a number of administrators in addition to the unit’s secretariat. The committee carries out the following tasks and specialities:

  • • Coordination with crisis management units in other colleges and the university.
  • • Updating the unit’s news on the unit’s website.
  • • Record all situations that are considered a crisis that could threaten the college’s entity in the crisis register.
  • • Preparing a database on any crises and disasters that the college has experienced and ways to solve them.
  • • Providing assistance by providing information support to decision makers in order to find solutions to any crisis.
  • • Create a website for the unit on the information network.
  • • Organizing and following up on the unit’s communications.
  • • Providing sufficient information about the college building.
  • • Recording minutes of unit meetings.
  • • Record emergency phone numbers in clear places.
  • • Preparing guidance brochures on how to manage crises and occupational safety and health.

Evacuation plan

First stage:

Second stage:

Third stage:


Training scenario on using a fire extinguisher


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