Acclerated program -  Conditions for admission to the program

فهرس المقال

Conditions for admission to the program

• Must have a bachelor’s degree with an acceptable cumulative grade point average ( D+ ) equivalent to 60%, preceded by a high school diploma in science

• The student’s first foreign language must be English

• Passing admission tests in accordance with the standards approved by the Nursing Sector Committee

• Passing the prescribed medical examination and examinations provided that he is free of physical and mental disabilities

• Passing the qualifying courses to join the program if they were not studied in the first university cycle


مواقع ذات صلة

عدد الزيارات
زيارات اليوم

خريطة الوصول

بيانات الاتصال

كلية التمريض - المنصورة - شارع الجمهورية - جامعة المنصورة - جمهورية مصر العربية

  2200368 (50) 20+

  220369 (50) 20+

  2200367 (50) 20+

  2200248 (50) 20+