Activities of the department - Psychiatric Nursing Department

Department activities

1) Inside the University:

  • Teaching materials related to psychological nursing and psychology
  • Carry out blood donation campaigns
  • Active participation in student activity
  • Conducting health education courses for university students
  • Psychological counseling for university students

2) Outside the University:

 Participate always in medical convoys
Providing health education to school students about all health and psychological problems facing them, especially the problem of adolescence
Conduct visits to the elderly inmates and give them health education and protecting them from the psychological problems they may be exposed to.

Activities of the department 2023/2024 pdf

Activities of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Department during the Academic Year 2023 -2024 pdf

Workshops and seminars

Introductory seminar at the Faculty of Nursing on scholarships and scientific missions for faculty members and graduate students, on 16/7/2019


Applying for PhD scholarships and Post-doctoral Missions

Workshop on "Awareness of Mental Illness" 17 March 2019

Seminar on `` Awareness of the dangers of addiction to Mansoura University students '' 21 April 2019



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